What are Metallic Foils?
Metallic Foils are made from a thin layer of non-reactive metallic sheets that are fused to a tough, clear cellophane. These beautiful foils can be transferred to the surface of your choice with the help of our Foil Adhesives, as well using a heat setting with an iron (for fabrics). These foils allow you to control the amount of foil that is transferred, whether you want a full transfer or partial transfer.
Most of the foils are Textile Friendly and work well with fabric when used in combination with our Deco Foil Fusible Spray Adhesive and Transfer Gel Duo or Foil Adhesive for Fabrics. (Contact us for further information on this),
Our Foil Collection has many different Silvers & Golds, Colors, Patterns to offer. In combination with Artistic Painting Studio Foil Adhesive (APSFA), you will have great success with your Foil projects. Apply one coat of APSFA, (either brush or roll on) and allow to dry to a firm tack (from 1 -2 hours depending on humidity), I often leave overnight especially for larger areas, then apply the Foils for a great release each and every time depending on your surface. They release so well, I only rub with a soft cloth to start with and peek under to see if the release is satisfactory. If not enough foil has transferred, then you may need to apply more pressure and even use a "scrub" brush if necessary. If your surface is textured this will transfer through the foil, if smooth as then your foil finish will be to. An uneven or textured surface can give a great organic look to your foiling. After foiling you always need to seal your work. To keep the shine of the foil use a Satin (our Mango Table Top Finish is great), or gloss. If you want to 'knock back' the shine go for a flat (Mango TTF in Zombie) or even a wax can be used and buffed to the level of shine your aiming for.